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Workshop - Tryk en fisk

12/5 Make art with a fish from the Geopark's Archipelago

Would you like to print a real fish for your own artwork?

Try your hand at the Gyotaku technique and press a freshly caught fish. The technique is an old Japanese technique.
The prints are made on handmade papers and with e.g. sumiink. The fish are transferred directly to paper using a special technique and selected materials.


Your prints dry quickly and you get them with you immediately afterwards.

price DKK 200 per person incl. materials


About Momlis

MOMLIS is based in a historic net house in the middle of Bagenkop's fishing environment and specializes in producing original graphic prints of fish caught in the local area. The process has its origins in a century-old Japanese technique, where one took direct impressions of one's catches. MOMLIS interprets the old technique with a Nordic twist.

The prints are made on handmade papers.