Feriepark Langeland, Emmerbølle Strand Camping
Feriepark Langeland - Emmerbølle Strand Camping
Experiences in the area around the towns of Emmerbølle, Dageløkke, Stoense and Snøde
A time warp where you can see and experience the beautiful ceiling and wall decorations, created by master painter Daniel Weech late 1800.
Enjoy a horseback tour in the wonderful countryside around Tranekær on Langeland. See the woods and beaches in a different way from the back of an Icelandic Horse.
In Stoense on the northern part of Langeland lies this fine church, which started out as an annex to Snøde Church.
Potters Esben Langkilde and Jannie Nielsen work in both stoneware and porcelain producing both everyday and unique artistic items
The church at Snøde has the highest placement of any church on Langeland, as it is built on top of one of islands many hat hills
Bøstrup Church was originally built in the 13th Century and has a very beautiful exterior.