Antik butik på Øhavsstien
Kysten ved Ristinge ved solnedgang

A walking tour around Langeland

Photo:Geopark det sydfynske øhav&John Rasmussen
En fodtur rundt om øen
Photo: John Rasmussen

Around the coast in 10 stages

In some places accessibility high tides/water levels can make access difficult. If you cannot proceed along the water’s edge or by an alternative route, as shown on the map, then walk back along the beach and find a farm track or tarmac road you can follow to get back to the coast further along the route.

Download GPX-files here

We have given the hike the rating "easy", but that does not mean that it is safe for you. If you are walking badly, we recommend that you do choose this hike.

Hiking etiqette

We have gathered some tips and good advice about how to respect nature when you are going on an adventure in the nature on Fyn.

Film og 5 gode råd til Øhavsstien
Photo: Geopark det sydfynske øhav

Ø-CAMINO på fem danske øer

Fanø, Langeland, Læsø, Samsø og Ærø har tilsammen en 407 km lang vandrerute gennem skøn og uspoleret natur rundt på de fem øer. Tjek de andre øers Ø-CAMINO ud herunder.

Ø-CAMINO er en del af projektet Øhigh5, som støttes af Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse.

Enjoy many different attractions along the way

Take you very own tour guide  along in your pocket! With a digital map in your hand you can find an overview of the islands many attractions and get inspiration seek out new experiences on foot, on the sea, or by bike.

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Photo: Mikkel Jézéquel