Galaksen af Jan Axel Starup
Henriette Lorentz værk Sundhedsøen

Art in the Landscape

Photo:By Broch&VisitLangeland
At Langeland you will find various forms of art in and of the Langeland nature.

Land Art Park in Tranekær presents Land Art in an international class. The art towers offer a different way of experiencing art and scattered around the landscape you will find works of a more classical nature.

All this is gathered on a new art route, but can also be experienced individually.

Hidden Power i TICKON

Land Art →

Photo: By Broch
Danmarks længste kunstudstilling - besøg Langelands kunsttårne

Art towers →

Photo: VisitLangeland

Art in the Landscape

Scattered around the island you will find Art in the Landscape. The works are both created by local and foreign artists.

Some of the works have been given to the island as gifts, some have been acquired by Langeland Municipality, while others have been created for a specific place for a specific occasion.

There is great diversity in expression, material use and size ratio. What the works have in common is that they can all be found in public space.

We have collected the art in an Art Route, which takes you from north to south on the island.


Art towers

In Denmark's longest art exhibition, spread over 12 different towers, you can discover the many facets of art and see how different artists take up the challenge when the "gallery" measures 1.5m x 1.5m and with 8 meters to the ceiling!

Read about the changing exhibitions here

Bliv klogere på kunsten i landskabet

Hvad er Land Art

TICKON - en Land Art park

In TICKON, Tranekær International Center for Art and Nature, you can experience works by internationally recognized Land Art artists. TICKON, which is one of the only places in Denmark dedicated to Land Art, was created on the initiative of Alfio Bonanno, Langeland's local world artist and a pioneer within Land Art in Denmark. In 2023, TICKON will have its 30th anniversary.

Lyt til Kunsten

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Landskabsmaler Keld Nielsen

Lyt til Kunsten her →

Photo: Steffen Jensen

Oplev et udpluk af den Langelandsk Naturkunst

Kunstruten i Tranekær har fokus på kunst, skabt af naturens materialer, såkaldt Land Art. 

Den 4 km lange rute starter ved Jan Axel Starups Galakse og tager dig gennem slotsbyen og ind i Land Art Parken TICKON, som omkranser Tranekær Slot. Parkens kunstinstallationer og skulpturer er skabt af nogle af verdens mest anerkendte kunstnere indenfor genren. 

Kort over Tranekær Kunstruten

Kunstruten i Tranekær →

Photo: VisitLangeland


Kunstruten giver dig mulighed for at kombinere de større kunst- og kulturoplevelser med besøg hos enkelte kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere, samtidigt med at du bevæger dig rundt i den smukkeste langelandske natur og forbi kunsten i det offentlige rum.

Anders Sandøe Ørsted
Ikon - kunst

The Art Route - Nord/Syd


The Art Route - Rudkøbing

Alfio Bonanno

The Art Route - Tranekær

Bagenkop Helle Scharling-Todd

The Art Route - Bagenkop

Kunstmagasinet: Kunstnernes Ø

Dette Kunstmagasin er et af Kunstrutens elementer. Det tager dig med på en rejse ind i kunstens verden og går tæt på et udvalg af øens kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere. Artiklerne dykker ned i arbejdsgange og processer og forsøger at finde svar på, hvorfor kreativiteten trives så godt på Langeland.  

Øernes Kunstfond

Photo:Øernes Kunstfond