The glacial landscape on Langeland

Photo:Mikkel Jézéquel&Mikkel Jézéquel
South Fyn Archipelago UNESCO Global Geopark

The Inundated Ice Age Landscape on Langeland

Discover the unique landscape that has defined our nature and culture for more than 10,000 years.

Denmark was connected to southern England and southern Sweden by land at the end of the last glacial period (the Weichselian glaciation), approximately 11,700 years ago. The South Fyn Archipelago and Fyn itself were part of one large continuous landmass with hills, forests, and lakes.

When the large ice caps covering North America and northern Scandinavia melted, the water level in the oceans rose. The low-lying areas south of Fyn were flooded, and only the highest parts remained above water: the 55 islands and islets known today as the South Fyn Archipelago.

UNESCO Global Geopark
In 2018, the municipalities of Svendborg, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Langeland, and Ærø established Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago with the goal of obtaining the title of UNESCO Global Geopark. 

One of the largest Inundated Ice Age Landscapes in the world

Der er udpeget en række lokaliteter af særlig interesse i geoparken som du selv kan udforske på egen hånd


Geopark: Ristinge Klint coastal cliff

Ristinge Klint (‘Ristinge Cliff’) in the southwestern part of Langeland is a world-class example of how an advancing glacier can dislocate and exert pressure on different deposits in front of the glac...

Geopark: From Bagenkop to Dovnsklint
Photo: Mikkel Jézéquel

Geopark: From Bagenkop to Dovnsklint

The four-kilometre stretch of coast between Bagenkop and Dovnsklint offers a string of cliffs with beautiful views and cobble-strewn beaches. The cliffs testify to Langeland’s unique glacial landscape...

Geospot: Strynø
Photo: Torben Nielsen

Geospot: Strynø

Relatively low, partially dammed moraine island in the shallow eastern part of the archipelago. The surface is an even moraine surface without significant height differenc

Geopark: Keldsnor og Lunden
Photo: Mikkel Jézéquel

Geopark: Keldsnor og Lunden

Today, Keldsnor itself is the geopark's largest beach lake.

Geospot: Lindelse Nor & Henninge Nor
Photo: Mikkel Jézéquel

Geospot: Lindelse Nor & Henninge Nor

Lindelse Nor (Cove), located five kilometres from Rudkøbing, is a shallow 10 square kilometres cove containing seven islets and islands, two of which are inhabited.

Geospot: Ristinge Hale
Photo: Jette Purup

Geospot: Ristinge Hale

Holocene marine foreshore formation in the form of a crumbling dune complex with seawalls, salt marshes and small beach lakes.

Geopark: Tryggelev Cove and Nørreballe Cove
Photo: Turist- og Erhvervsforeningen Langeland

Geopark: Tryggelev Cove and Nørreballe Cove

Former low-lying land areas that were flooded during the Holocene sea level rise.

Geopark: Ristinge Beach
Photo: Mette Johnsen

Geopark: Ristinge Beach

The largest area in the geopark with Holocene dune formations.


Geopark: Fakkebjerg - a ‘hat-shaped hill’

The landscape of Langeland is dotted with over 1,200 dome-shaped hills known as ’hat-shaped hills’.


Spor af fortiden

I Geoparken finder du også både geologiske og kulturhistoriske spor af fortiden.
Berig din viden om Langelands fortid og oplev disse helt unikke steder udpeget af Geoparken:

Download geopark appen

Photo:Mikkel Jézéquel

Geopark on the go

Get your very own tour guide by downloading the app Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav. With the digital map always close at 
hand, you will have a great overview of area and find plenty of inspiration for new experiences throughout the Geopark – either by foot, on the 
water, or by bicycle. 

Download from Google Play or Apple App Store

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